What we do

Your Work, God's Mission


We partner with local churches and Christ followers to grow Gospel engagement in the workplace


We equip followers of Jesus to share their faith in the workplace and go to the nations


We create short-term opportunities for marketplace leaders to share their faith with those who have not heard of Jesus

why we do it

Every Christian Can Be On Mission

Being on mission means following God and His agenda for your life. All it takes is love for Him, faith in Him, and a willingness to communicate that faith to others by what you say and do. 

Sharing is done in many ways: living a godly life, blessing others, praying for others, and telling others of Jesus & all that He has done. Every Christian, in some way or another, can be on mission with God.

Every Christian Should Be On Mission

God calls His each of His followers to do two things: obey the Great Commandment and fulfill the Great Commission. Our mission in life is to love God, love our neighbor, and to make disciples. It is not a question of ‘if’ but of ‘how’. You should be asking God, “how should I be living on mission with You?”


If you are living on mission with God, all areas of your life will be led by His Word and His Spirit. That includes your work. Your work will express worship of God. Your work will connect you to others who need the Gospel. You will be salt and light to the people you encounter in the workplace.

Workplace: A Quick, Reliable Path to the Nations

3.2 billion people have never heard of Jesus Christ. Over 5 billion have access, but are not really engaged by Christians on a day to day basis. Even more people live in areas that have the Bible and churches but lack the one resource they need to learn about Jesus: a friend or co-worker that will tell them about Him.

Your workplace mission field may be a 20 minute ride from home. But, God could also desire to take you to another part of the world through your work. Called tentmaking, it is the idea that you use your work to support yourself while living strategically in a place that has little access to Jesus.  

Tentmaking FAQ

What Is Tentmaking?

Tentmaking is simply defined as serving God and others through your profession wherever you go.* Christians use the term due to the example of Paul in the New Testament. He chose to make tents, as opposed to living on support from the churches and people he ministered to, for a portion of his time in ministry. However, the idea is not limited to Paul. Two of his close associates, Priscilla and Aquilla, consistently used tentmaking as their trade yet still were faithful to sharing the Gospel, serving in the church, and moving to different areas as God called them. 

Who are tentmakers

Tentmakers integrate their work and faith in Jesus Christ. They see their vocation as a means to provide opportunities to share the Gospel through their work. Work may be their studies (students), their trade (professionals), their business (business owners), or their retirement life.  

why tentmaking

Because it is normal. Work was given to mankind at creation. God designed it to be a major part of our life from the beginning of time. If we are to walk with God, then surely it will include the 40-60 hours a week spent to provide for us and our families. God calls a few to full-time ministry. He calls us all to worship Him through our work (insert verse) In fact, many of Jesus' followers were business men. Luke was a doctor. Matthew and Barnabas were tax collectors. Peter, James, and John caught and sold fish.  

Tentmaking gives you the primary platform of your life through which to share the Gospel. It gives you natural relationships in which people can see the Gospel being lived out and hear what Jesus has done for you.

In addition, it can provide quick, reliable access to countries and peoples that have little to no Gospel in their life.  Becoming a full-time overseas missionary can takie 2-3 years to prepare, study, and raise support. You can take your studies, job, or business overseas in as little as 3 months. Because you are contributing to the economy and welfare of the country, these types of visas are rarely denied. 

Our Areas of Strategic Focus

We will develop resources, connections, and opportunities as God calls us. At present, we are focused on mobilizing the church towards tentmaking in general and the Netherlands as our strategic area of implementation. Read below for each major city in the Randstad, the chain of metro areas that make up the bulk of the population. Click here to learn more about why the Netherlands is our area of focus.


Capital of the Netherlands 

Commerce Hub

Major Sectors of Employment

  • Manufacturing
  • Retail
  • Telecommunications
  • Energy
  • IT

Original capital. 

Transportation Hub

Education Hub

Major Sectors of Employment

  • Colleges and Universities
  • Telecommunications
  • Staffing and HR
  • Consulting
  • IT and IS

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Our Mission and Method
Why The Netherlands Is Our Tentmaking Strategic Area
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